Kubernetes Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet resources

Kubernetes Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet resources

Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet are all Kubernetes resources that help manage the lifecycle of Pods running in a cluster, but they differ in their use cases and behavior.


  • A Deployment is used to manage stateless applications. It provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.
  • It is typically used to manage applications that can scale horizontally.
  • When updating a Deployment, Kubernetes creates a new ReplicaSet and gradually scales it up while scaling down the old ReplicaSet.
  • Deployments do not guarantee stable, unique network identities or ordered, persistent storage. If a Pod is deleted or replaced, its identity is lost and it may be replaced with a new Pod at a different IP address.


  • A StatefulSet is used to manage stateful applications, where each Pod has a unique identity and requires persistent storage.
  • It provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of Pods, as well as stable network identities.
  • When updating a StatefulSet, Kubernetes updates one Pod at a time in a sequential order. This ensures that the identity and network address of each Pod is preserved across updates.
  • StatefulSets can be used to manage stateful applications that require ordered scaling or rolling updates.


  • A DaemonSet ensures that a copy of a Pod is running on every node in a cluster. It is typically used for system-level services, such as log collection, monitoring, or network proxies.
  • DaemonSets provide a way to run a single instance of a Pod on every node in a cluster, and they automatically add or remove Pods as nodes are added or removed.
  • DaemonSets do not provide rolling updates or scaling, since they are designed to run a single instance of a Pod on every node.
  • In summary, Deployments are used to manage stateless applications, StatefulSets are used to manage stateful applications, and DaemonSets are used to manage system-level services that require one instance of a Pod on every node.

Each resource has its own unique characteristics and use cases, and choosing the right one depends on the specific needs of your application or service.