
TFSA or RRSP, Which is right for you?

TFSA or RRSP, Which is right for you? Deciding whether to invest in a TFSA or RRSP depends on your individual financial goals and circumstances. Here are a few scenarios to help you determine which option might be better suited for you. Sc…

Pros and Cons of TFSAs and RRSPs

Pros and Cons of TFSAs and RRSPs Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) A TFSA is an investment account that allows you to save and invest money without paying tax on the growth of your investments. You can contribute up to a certain amount eac…

Popular investment ways in Canada

Popular investment ways in Canada. Investing is an important part of financial planning and wealth-building. In Canada, there are many different ways to invest, from stocks and bonds to real estate and alternative investments. Let's take a…

What time do you have ?!

もうかなり前、まだビクトリアに来たばかりの頃、 "What time do you have?" と咄嗟に聞かれた。勘の良い人なら時間を聞かれているんだな、と予測できるかも知れないが、その頃それなりに(初心者は卒業したという意味で)英語ができるつもりでいた僕は、咄…

カナダ・ビクトリア留学 - 高校生の場合

ひょんなことから、カナダ・ビクトリアへの公立高校留学について軽く調べたので、以下はその忘備録。 General info : FAQによると、ビクトリア周辺の7つの公立高校への留学プログラムがあるらしい。一応行きたい高校をリクエストで…